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Partnership Visit to UK

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 5 months ago

UK Visit - end September 2007


Johannes has kindly sent in his report of our visit. On behalf of all the staff at The Gordon Schools, Gordon Primary and Rhynie Primary we thank him for his kind words.


Click here to read Johannes' report.


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Click hereto read a letter from his Principal.



This page now provides readers with a summary of events of the first visit of the Partnership. Here's a very funky 30 second overview.


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Ethiopian Colleagues:

1. Abebe Dagnaw Bayafers(  Lalibela High School)
2. Yimer Belete Tewulgn(  from Lalibela Primery School)
3. Luelseged Kebede Ejigu( from Lalibela Preparatory School)
Namibian Colleagues

1. Mrs Gertrud Nailoke Amutenja – Ella du Plessis High School

2. Johannes Nowaseb – Augeikhas Primary School

3. Ms Eppie Tuamanovandu Kaanjuka – Khomas High School.



To celebrate the Ethiopian Millenium and the arrival of our partners I have given a series of assemblies about Ethiopia and its history:

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UK Partnership Visit - Report


Well, our six visitors have all been and gone. And what a hectic week, not only for us the organisers but for our African colleagues, who left tired yet satisfied...hopefully. Obviously, as this was our first experience of organising such a vist there are one or two things we would like to have done differently and one or two things which we would have liked to have happened but didn't. This is however a learing experience.


So what did we do:


Day 1: Sunday 23 September


All visitors arrived on the day (it was initially thought that Yimer or Abebe would not be able to get their visa in time) and were met in Huntly by their hosts for the week, who by the way deserve a huge thank you on behalf of the Partnership.


Day 2: Monday 24 September


Our partners were met at school and were welcomed at a special assembly put together by Caroline, Scott, Zach and Louise our School Captains and Vice Captains. During the assembly they enjoyed a Doric welcome and exhibitions of scottish dancing and music by the pupils.

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After the assembly our visitors were taken on a tour of The Gordon Schools.

Following coffee and cakes with the Senior Management Team they were then taken to visit Gordon Primary, where they also had lunch. After lunch our partners returned to TGS where they got the opportunity to observe a variety of lessons during the afternoon.

That evening was left free for relaxation.


Day 3: Tuesday 25 September


During the morning our secondary colleagues were given the opportunity to look over some of the project proposals put forward by TGS staff. Meanwhile the primary colleagues enjoyed the hospitalilty of Gordon Primary and discussed planned collaborations



In the afternoon we visited Wellheads Farm to find out about agriculture in Aberdeenshire.

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Normally later that afternoon our partners should have had a taster skiing lesson at the Nordic Ski Centre, but unfortunately the Huntly weather defeated us...it was lashing it down.



Day 4: Wednesday 26 September


Again our primary colleagues spent the morning at Gordon Primary whilst secondary colleagues got to meet with individual TGS staff to discuss ideas. (The difficulty we found with this was that our visitors found that they were having to speak on behalf of colleagues back home and so were not in a position to say whether certain ideas would be feasible or not.)

Later that morning all our visitors took part in an Multi-Cultural Awareness Day. Our S3 students got to sample a range of interesting activities including African, Romanian or Thai dance, Malaysian cookery, henna tattooing and rap writing with hip hop dance. Judging by the smiles around schol that day I would say a great time was had by all.

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After lunch in TGS canteen a bus arrived to take our visitors to Rhynie Primary. After looking around the school they were treated to tea and scones with about 50 members of the Rhynie community. ( What our visitors found astounding was that a school of only 50 children in total was allowed to exist at all). After school our guests then dropped in on Books Abroad, and judging by the bags of books and their comments they had a wonderfull time identifying books for their schools next year. A big thank you to Gwyn, Claire and everybody there for their welcome.

That evening was (for me) the star event of the whole visit. A concert of Scottish entertainment by pupils of all three schools. Without boasting it was a fantastic evening entertainment highlighting the young talent which exists in this small corner of North East Scotland. The evening was rounded off nicely by our guests themselves revealing something of their own cultures and then there was Johannes' Highland fling...a sight to behold.


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Day 5: Thursday 27 September


More chatting with secondary and primary staff followed by a special lunch at The Castle Hotel.

This was a prize won by Jayne and Neesha who won a competition to describe a day in the life of TGS.


That afternoon the TGS PE staff and a band of willing senior students gave our guests a lesson in scottish country dancing.

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What a talented group and willing group you were too. They mastered a Gay Gordons, Dashing White Sergeant and Strip the Willow.


Day 6: Friday 28 September



Friday morning was spent at Gordon Primary for a special assembly where each cluster representative was presented with a digital camera bought from money raised in the raffle. We then had a short meeting to discuss the project budget and then an S2 class got to ask questions of our guests.

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Following that we were all invited back to Gordon Primary for a special lunch. After lunch I accompanied our guests on a tour of Huntly Castle.

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That evening the whole visit was rounded of by a Ceilidh at The Stewarts Hall with music provided by Graeme Mitchell and his band.

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A fantastic time was had by all who attended and our guests were hardly given time to relax, their dancing talents being in great demand.




Day 7: Saturday 29 September


All guests got to go to Aberdeen and spend money, followed by chilli, beers and watching the football round at mine.


Day 8: Sunday 30 September


Ridiculously early departure followed by endless waiting in airports.


Slideshow of Everything to do with this Partnership



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